Are you in need of a convenient way to stay active at home? Look no further than the affordable treadmill from Lazada! In this unboxing and review video, we take a closer look at this treadmill that promises to help you exercise comfortably in your own space. From easy setup to user-friendly features, find out if this treadmill is the solution to your fitness needs. Let’s dive into the details and see if this treadmill is worth the investment.

Table of Contents

Selecting an Affordable Treadmill from Lazada

When looking for an affordable treadmill on Lazada, it’s important to consider the weight capacity. This particular treadmill can support up to 100 kilos, making it suitable for a wide range of users. The reviews for this product have been positive, with many customers expressing satisfaction with their purchase.

One great feature of this treadmill is the option to pay using Lazada wallet, making the checkout process convenient and hassle-free. The price listed on the website was 6450, but with cashing in on Lazada wallet, you may be able to find a discount or promotion for an even better deal.

Setting up the treadmill is a simple process, as demonstrated in the video. The remote is easy to use, allowing for a smooth and effortless workout experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this treadmill is a great option for anyone looking to stay active from the comfort of their own home.

Unboxing and Assembly of the Treadmill

I recently received my new treadmill that I ordered from Lazada, and I’m excited to share the unboxing and assembly process with you. I came across this product in a Facebook group dedicated to home fitness enthusiasts, and it received some great reviews. One of the features that caught my attention was its weight capacity of up to 100 kilos, which is perfect for my needs. Plus, I got a good deal on it by using my Lazada wallet credits!

As I opened the package, I was relieved to see that there was no damage or issues with the treadmill. The assembly process seemed pretty straightforward, and I quickly located the remote control, which looked simple and user-friendly. With a little guidance from my family members, we started setting up the treadmill for use. It was exciting to see everything coming together smoothly, and I couldn’t wait to start using it for my workouts.

After a few adjustments and some testing, the treadmill was ready to go. I was impressed by how easy it was to operate, and the remote control made it convenient to start, stop, or adjust the speed as needed. I’m looking forward to incorporating this new addition into my fitness routine and reaping the benefits of having a treadmill at home. It’s time to get moving and stay active!

Detailed Review of the Treadmill Features

The treadmill I ordered from Lazada arrived just two days ago and I couldn’t be more excited to try it out! I first learned about this product from a post in a Facebook group for homebodies, and it seemed like a great find. One of the key features that caught my attention is its weight capacity of up to 100 kilos, which is perfect for my needs. Additionally, I was able to use my Lazada wallet to purchase it, which saved me some money in the process.

Upon receiving the treadmill, I was pleased to find that it arrived in perfect condition with no signs of damage or issues. Setting it up was a breeze, and the remote control that comes with it is straightforward and easy to use. I couldn’t wait to start my first workout and test out all the different settings and features.

With the guidance of my parents or lola, I started my first workout session on the treadmill. The machine ran smoothly and quietly, allowing me to focus on my exercise without any distractions. The remote control made it convenient to adjust the speed and incline as needed, and I felt confident in my ability to stop the treadmill at any time if necessary. Overall, I’m thrilled with my new treadmill and can’t wait to continue incorporating it into my daily fitness routine.

Recommendations for Home Exercise with the Treadmill

When it comes to home exercise with the treadmill, there are a few recommendations to keep in mind to make the most out of your workout. One key tip is to start by setting up the treadmill properly to ensure safety and effectiveness. Make sure it is placed on a flat surface and that all components are properly assembled as per the user manual.

Next, it’s essential to start with a warm-up before diving into your workout on the treadmill. A brisk walk or light jog for a few minutes can help prepare your body for the more intense exercise ahead. Additionally, consider incorporating interval training into your routine, alternating between periods of high intensity and lower intensity to challenge your body and improve cardiovascular fitness.

Another important recommendation is to listen to your body and pace yourself during the workout. If you feel any pain or discomfort, it’s crucial to stop and rest. And don’t forget to stay hydrated throughout the exercise session to prevent dehydration. Lastly, make sure to cool down at the end of your workout with some stretching exercises to help prevent muscle soreness and improve flexibility. With these recommendations in mind, you can make the most out of your home exercise with the treadmill.


Q: What treadmill did the blogger order from Lazada?
A: The blogger ordered an affordable treadmill from Lazada, which they purchased two days prior to the video.

Q: How did the blogger discover this treadmill?
A: The blogger first found out about this treadmill when someone posted about it in a Facebook group for homebodies.

Q: What weight capacity does the treadmill have?
A: The treadmill has a weight capacity of up to 100 kilos.

Q: What was unique about the purchase process for this treadmill?
A: The blogger mentioned that they were able to use Lazada wallet to pay for the treadmill, which helped them save money on the purchase price.

Q: Did the treadmill arrive in good condition?
A: Yes, the treadmill arrived without any damage or issues.

Q: How easy was it to set up the treadmill?
A: Setting up the treadmill was described as simple by the blogger.

Q: Does the treadmill come with a remote?
A: Yes, the treadmill comes with a remote for easy control.

Q: Did the treadmill work properly when tested?
A: Yes, the treadmill was tested and found to be working properly.

Q: Can the treadmill be used by children?
A: Yes, the treadmill can be used by children, with supervision from parents or grandparents. The remote also allows for easy stopping in case of emergency.

Q: Overall, what was the blogger’s impression of the treadmill?
A: The blogger seemed satisfied with the treadmill and encouraged viewers to try it out for themselves.

To Wrap It Up

In conclusion, the affordable treadmill from Lazada seems to be a great find for those looking to exercise at home. With a weight capacity of up to 100 kilos and positive reviews, it’s definitely worth considering. The convenience of using Lazada wallet for payment also adds to the appeal of this product. The unboxing and setup process seems straightforward and easy, making it a great option for beginners. Overall, if you’re in the market for a budget-friendly treadmill to help you stay active, this Lazada find might just be the perfect fit for you. Happy exercising!

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