SpeedFit Manual Treadmill Review: How it Works, What it's Used For

SpeedFit Manual Treadmill Review: How it Works, What it's Used For

Looking to take your treadmill workouts to the next level? In a recent YouTube video titled “SpeedFit Manual Treadmill Review: How it Works, What it’s Used For”, Mike Benson, a long snapper and linebacker for the BC Lions, offers an in-depth look at the benefits of using a manual treadmill like the SpeedFit. From improved muscle recruitment to enhanced athletic development, this manual treadmill may just revolutionize your fitness routine. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from the video and explore why manual treadmills are becoming increasingly popular in the fitness world.

Table of Contents

– Benefits of Using a Manual Treadmill Over a Motorized Treadmill

Using a manual treadmill over a motorized one offers a range of benefits that can enhance your workout routine. One of the primary advantages is the increased muscle recruitment and a more realistic simulation of running. On a manual treadmill, like the Speed Fit Curve, the user generates all the force to move the belt, engaging smaller muscles that may not be activated on a motorized treadmill where the belt moves automatically.

Another perk of manual treadmills is their sturdy build and noise reduction. Unlike traditional treadmills with rigid boards that can bounce and create loud noises, manual treadmills like the Speed Fit Curve are designed to minimize these distractions. The curved design of the Speed Fit Curve helps reduce noise levels and can prevent breakdowns that are common with conventional treadmills.

The engineering of a manual treadmill, particularly the Speed Fit Curve, allows for a smoother transition and easier acceleration training. The shallow curve of the treadmill makes it easier to get the belt moving, making it ideal for interval training and HIIT workouts. Additionally, manual treadmills offer a seamless transition from sprinting to jogging, allowing for a more dynamic workout experience that incorporates both acceleration and deceleration training.

– Unique Features and Design of the SpeedFit Manual Treadmill

The SpeedFit Manual Treadmill offers several unique features that set it apart from conventional motorized treadmills. One of the key benefits is the increased muscle recruitment and real-life running scenario it provides. Unlike motorized treadmills that do the work for you, on the manual treadmill, you are responsible for generating the force to move the belt, engaging all those little muscles that may be neglected otherwise. This makes it an excellent choice for athletes looking to optimize their training regimen.

Another standout feature of the SpeedFit Manual Treadmill is its sturdy build and noiseless operation. Unlike traditional treadmills with rigid boards that bounce and create a racket, the SpeedFit treadmill boasts a curved design that minimizes noise and vibration. This thoughtful engineering not only enhances the user experience but also increases the overall lifespan of the treadmill. Plus, the shallower curve of the SpeedFit treadmill makes it easier to get the belt moving, providing a smoother and more natural running experience.

Furthermore, the SpeedFit Manual Treadmill allows for seamless acceleration training, interval training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with its easy transition from start to stop. There’s no need to fiddle with speed settings; simply push harder to go faster and ease off to slow down. This feature is particularly beneficial for athletes working on sprinting and deceleration, an essential component of athletic development that is often overlooked on conventional treadmills. Whether you’re a serious athlete or a casual jogger, the SpeedFit Manual Treadmill delivers a top-notch workout experience with its innovative design and functionality.

– Acceleration Training and Interval Training on a Manual Treadmill

Hey guys, Kavon here from Balls of Steel. I’m with Mike Benson, long snapper and linebacker for the BC Lions, and today we’re going to be showing off the SpeedFit manual treadmill belt. So, manual treadmills are a substantial step up from conventional motorized treadmills for athletic development and even for your casual jog.

The number one benefit of using a manual treadmill over a motorized one is the muscle recruitment and more of a real-life scenario of running. On these treadmills, Mike is generating all the force, recruiting all the little muscles to move that belt, whereas on a conventional treadmill, it’s just spinning for you like a hamster wheel and you’re losing out on a lot of the benefits of running, especially if you’re an athlete.

Another great benefit of the SpeedFit Curve over other curved manual treadmills is that the engineering has been amped up a little bit. It has a lot less steep of a curve, making it easier to get the belt moving. This allows for a smooth transition and is essential for athletic development, not just for acceleration, but also for deceleration, which is often missed out on conventional treadmills.

  • The muscle recruitment on a manual treadmill is crucial for a more real-life running scenario.
  • The sturdily built and noise-free design of the SpeedFit treadmill sets it apart from conventional treadmills.
  • The SpeedFit Curve’s less steep incline allows for easier belt movement, making it ideal for acceleration and interval training.


Q: What are the main benefits of using a manual treadmill like the SpeedFit over a conventional motorized treadmill?
A: The number one benefit of using a manual treadmill is the muscle recruitment and real-life scenario of running. On a manual treadmill, you are generating all the force and recruiting all the little muscles to move the belt, whereas on a conventional treadmill, the belt spins for you like a hamster wheel.

Q: How is the design of the SpeedFit manual treadmill different from conventional treadmills?
A: The SpeedFit manual treadmill is sturdily built and designed to be quiet. It has a curved design that is engineered for human performance, unlike conventional treadmills which may have a rigid board that bounces and makes noise.

Q: What sets the SpeedFit manual treadmill apart from other curved manual treadmills?
A: The SpeedFit manual treadmill has a less steep curve, making it easier for users to get the belt moving. This shallow curve allows for a smoother transition when starting and stopping, compared to treadmills with a steeper incline.

Q: How does the SpeedFit manual treadmill facilitate acceleration training and interval training?
A: The SpeedFit manual treadmill allows for easy transition from start to stop, making it ideal for acceleration training, interval training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). There is no dial pad to adjust speed, allowing users to quickly transition between different paces.

Q: Why is deceleration training important for athletic development, and how does the SpeedFit manual treadmill address this need?
A: Deceleration training is essential for athletic development, as it improves not only acceleration but also the ability to slow down effectively. The SpeedFit manual treadmill allows for both acceleration and deceleration training, which is often missed out on conventional treadmills.

To Conclude

Thanks for tuning in to our review of the SpeedFit Manual Treadmill! As you saw in the video, this treadmill offers unique benefits such as muscle recruitment, sturdiness, and a smoother transition for acceleration and deceleration training. Whether you’re an athlete looking to enhance your performance or someone seeking a more realistic running experience, the SpeedFit Manual Treadmill is definitely worth considering. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more fitness equipment reviews and training tips. Stay fit and keep running!

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