Under Desk Treadmill Review (RHYTHM FUN)

Under Desk Treadmill Review (RHYTHM FUN)

Are you looking for an easy way to stay active while working or watching TV? Under desk treadmills might be the solution for you. In a recent YouTube video titled “Under Desk Treadmill Review (RHYTHM FUN)”, the reviewer shares their experience with the Rhythm Fun under desk walking treadmill. From price and features to their daily step count and usage habits, this unbiased review covers everything you need to know before deciding to invest in a similar treadmill. Let’s dive into the details and see if this could be the right fit for your lifestyle.

Table of Contents

Price and Features of the Rhythm Fun Under Desk Treadmill

The Rhythm Fun Under Desk Treadmill is currently priced at $399 on Amazon, which is $100 off the original price. It is designed specifically for walking, with a maximum speed of 3.7 miles per hour, although some models have been observed to reach up to 4.0 miles per hour. It is sleek and quiet, making it ideal for use during virtual meetings or phone calls without causing distractions.

Before using the treadmill, the reviewer was getting between five and eight thousand steps per day during the winter months in New York. Since getting the treadmill, their step count has increased to over 10,000 steps every single day, doubling their previous count. They use the treadmill for about one to two hours per day, not continuously but in intervals throughout the day to stay active and boost their step count.

If you are considering purchasing the Rhythm Fun Under Desk Treadmill, it is important to note that it is not designed for running or incline workouts. However, it is a great option for those looking to increase their daily step count in a convenient and quiet manner. With its current discounted price on Amazon, now might be the perfect time to invest in this treadmill for your at-home walking workouts.

Step Count Comparison Before and After Using the Treadmill

Before getting this treadmill, I was getting between five and eight thousand steps per day naturally during the winter time in New York. During the summer time, I generally get a little bit more, maybe between seven and ten thousand steps. However, during the last few months, it’s been consistent at five to eight thousand steps per day. Since I’ve had the treadmill for a month now, I’ve been consistently getting over 10,000 steps every single day. I literally haven’t missed one day of hitting under 10,000 steps per day. It’s safe to say that my step count has almost doubled in the last month.

As far as how much and how often I’m using the treadmill, I can confidently say that I’m using it pretty much every single day. I think I’ve used it at least a little bit every day since I got it. However, I’m not walking on it all day long. On most days, I find myself walking on it maybe between one and two hours. But, the way I use it is not just casually walking while watching TV or doing nothing. I’ve been pairing the action of walking on this treadmill with other activities such as working or attending virtual calls. And surprisingly, no one has ever complained about hearing the treadmill in the background during my calls.

In conclusion, my experience with the Rhythm fun under the desk walking treadmill has been positively impacting my step count and activity levels. I’ve noticed a significant increase in my daily step count since incorporating this treadmill into my routine. If you’re someone looking to be more active during your workday or just looking for a convenient way to increase your daily steps, using a treadmill like this one might be a worth-while investment to consider.

Frequency and Duration of Treadmill Usage

the treadmill with doing work or attending meetings. I find that it helps me focus and stay productive while also getting in some exercise.

In terms of frequency, I try to use the treadmill at least once a day, usually in the morning or during a break in my work schedule. I find that incorporating it into my daily routine has made it easier to stick to and ensures that I am consistently getting in my steps.

As for duration, I typically walk on the treadmill for around 1-2 hours per day, but not all at once. I like to break it up into shorter intervals throughout the day to keep me moving and avoid feeling fatigued. This approach works well for me and allows me to stay active without feeling overwhelmed.

Overall, I have found that incorporating the Rhythm fun under the desk walking treadmill into my daily routine has greatly increased my daily step count and helped me stay active throughout the day. If you are considering getting a similar treadmill, I recommend thinking about how you can fit it into your daily schedule and find a duration and frequency that works best for you.

Pros and Cons of the Rhythm Fun Under Desk Treadmill

I’ve had the Rhythm fun under desk walking treadmill for about a month now, and I must say it has made a significant impact on my daily step count. Before getting this treadmill, I was averaging between five and eight thousand steps per day, but since using it, I have consistently exceeded 10,000 steps every single day. It has almost doubled my step count, which has been great for my overall health and fitness goals.

One of the things I like about the treadmill is its sleek design and quiet operation. It is meant for walking, not running, and it can reach speeds up to 4.0 miles per hour, which is higher than the stated 3.7 miles per hour. The treadmill is easy to use, and I appreciate that I can walk on it while working or taking calls without disturbing others. It has become a convenient and effective way for me to stay active throughout the day.

On the downside, the price of the Rhythm fun under desk treadmill has fluctuated, and it’s important to keep an eye out for sales. I initially purchased it for $499 on Amazon, but it is currently listed for $399. Additionally, while the treadmill has helped me increase my daily step count, it does require some time commitment. I find myself walking on it for about one to two hours per day, which may not be feasible for everyone depending on their schedule and daily routines. Despite these considerations, the benefits of the treadmill have outweighed any drawbacks for me, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to boost their activity levels while working or at home.


Q: What is the Rhythm Fun under desk walking treadmill meant for?
A: The Rhythm Fun under desk walking treadmill is meant for walking, not running. It is designed to be used under a desk and does not incline. It typically goes up to 3.7 miles per hour, but some models may go up to 4.0 miles per hour.

Q: How much does the Rhythm Fun under desk walking treadmill cost?
A: The price of the Rhythm Fun under desk walking treadmill may vary, but the speaker purchased it for $499 on Amazon. However, there is currently a sale price of $399 on Amazon that may end soon.

Q: How has using the under desk treadmill affected the speaker’s daily step count?
A: Before using the under desk treadmill, the speaker was getting between 5,000 and 8,000 steps per day during the winter in New York. After using the treadmill for a month, the speaker has been getting over 10,000 steps every single day, doubling their step count.

Q: How often does the speaker use the under desk treadmill?
A: The speaker uses the under desk treadmill almost every single day, walking on it for about one to two hours per day. They mentioned that they have used it consistently every day since getting it.

Q: What are some of the speaker’s likes and dislikes about the Rhythm Fun under desk walking treadmill?
A: The speaker mentioned that they like that the treadmill is sleek, quiet, and has helped them increase their daily step count significantly. They did not mention any specific dislikes about the treadmill in the video.

In Retrospect

In conclusion, the Rhythm Fun under the desk walking treadmill has proven to be a game changer for me in increasing my daily step count. Despite a few minor drawbacks, such as the price and limited speed options, it has truly helped me stay active and healthy, especially during the winter months. If you’re considering adding a treadmill to your daily routine, I hope this unbiased review has provided you with valuable insights to make an informed decision. Remember, staying active is key to a healthy lifestyle, so why not give it a try? Thanks for tuning in and happy walking!

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